Java Fuzzy Markup Language


Open Source - GPLv3

JFML repository meets the Open Source Guides recommended for community standards. Thanks to adopting these standards developers can use and contribute to JFML more effectively. JFML repository includes: License, Readme, Contributing, Code of Conduct and Documentation. In addition, we provide users tools to organize discussions such as issue tracker, pull request or contact form. JFML is distributed as Open Source software under the terms of the GNU Public License GPLv3.


To profit from the open source model JFML, Py4JFML and JFML IoT are hosted in the public repository GitHub which offers tools for bug tracking, mailing, etc. Moreover, developers can clone the JFML, Py4JFML and JFML IoT repositories available in GitHub and then start their own contributions as new branches while preserving the entire project history.

JFML can be freely downloaded from

Py4JFML can be freely downloaded from

JFML IoT can be freely downloaded from

Cloning the JFML git repository

The procedure detailed below assumes that you have already created a repository on GitHub or that you have access to an existing repository created by someone else where you'd like to contribute to.

  1. On GitHub, navigate to the main page of the JFML repository.


  3. Under your repository name, click Clone or download.

  4. In the Clone with HTTPs section, click the button to copy the clone URL for the repository.

  5. Open Terminal.

  6. Change the current working directory to the location where you want to place the cloned directory.

  7. Type git clone, and then paste the URL you copied in Step 2.

    git clone

  8. Press Enter. Your local clone will be created.

    To build, just run ant from the project's folder.

Building the JFML library

JFML can be freely downloaded from GitHub. To build JFML, you can download the library into a .zip file and run the buildJFML.xml ant file. We recommend following the next steps:

  • Download the library into a .zip file from the Clone or Download option in GitHub or from the latest release and unzip it in a local folder.
  • Create a New Java Project with Eclipse. Please, remind to select as Location the folder created in the previous step.
  • Run buildJFML.xml as Ant Build with the aim of creating the project dependencies. To do so, just click the right mouse button on the xml file and then select the proper option. Notice that ant is freely available and it is usually integrated with Eclipse.
  • In case of changing the source files, then run buildJAR.xml as Ant Build with the aim of compiling source files and creating the jar library.
  • Notice that the source code zip file already includes a compiled jar library ready to use in the Examples folder. It will be overwritten after running buildJAR.xml.

Installing Py4JFML

Py4JFML is freely accessible in GitHub from
You can clone or download the entire GitHub repository for the source code, or just proceed as follows:

  • Download the library into a .zip file from the Clone or Download option in GitHub or from the latest release and unzip it in a local folder.
  • run $pip3 install py4jfml-X.Y.tar.gz (X.Y stands for the current version, e.g. 1.0)
Please, follow the readme for further information.


JFML IoT is freely accessible in GitHub from
You can clone or download the entire GitHub repository for the source code, or just download .jar file to import in your poject as follows:

  • Download the .jar file the from GitHub from latest release.
  • In Eclipse rigth click in Package Explorer.
  • Click on Build path , Configure Build Path, Libraries, Add External JARs, navigate and select the .jar file.